Enhancing Education Infrastructure for Underprivileged Children at Ta Ei Primary School

Location: Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province

Date: April to June 2024

Costs: USD 2,000

Status: Completed

We are thrilled to announce the completion of the floor renovation project at our kindergarten classroom. This significant improvement has brought immense joy to our students, who no longer have to navigate a damaged concrete surface with bare feet. The new flooring provides a comfortable and safe space for sitting and play, greatly enhancing the hygiene and well-being of our young learners. Our dedicated teacher can now conduct a variety of activities on a clean floor, ensuring that the children’s uniforms remain pristine throughout the day.

We extend our deepest gratitude to Bill and Sister Sophal for their generous support, which has transformed the learning environment and fulfilled a long-held aspiration of our teaching staff. Their commitment extends beyond education; they have played a pivotal role in ensuring the health and hygiene of our students. We convey heartfelt thanks from our teacher, who is deeply appreciative of their efforts in making this dream a reality.