We are delighted to provide an update on the distribution of school materials made possible by your generous contribution. Your support has directly impacted the educational journey of the students at Kamboo Project school’s target.
Here are the key highlights: We have successfully procured essential supplies such as notebooks, Pen, Pencil, set of rulers, art materials, flipflop, bottle of water and the school bag to 170students and 72 girls’ students at Trapeng Thom Primary School. The teachers and parents also involved on the distribution day. They are really happy for their students and kids. We deliver all the school supplies package on the 20th March 2024 but take around one week to do order and organized and short it for efficient distribution so that it won’t missed up on the delivery day. You can Imagin when the kids see a mountain of school supply, they will definitely run to it.
Once again, thank you for being a great donor/partner ” SE Asia Foundation”. Your generosity fuels the rural kids dreams and aspirations.