Sports Ground for the Wat Roka Primary School

Location: Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province

Date: April to July 2024

Costs: USD 3,000

Status: Completed

We are incredibly grateful to our donor, the Chopra Family Foundation, and its marvellous contribution to the construction of a new school football field. Their support has brought immense joy and opportunity to the students in our rural community.

Says the principal of Wat Roka Primary School: “This sports field is more than just a place for physical activity—it is a space where our students can develop teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills that are crucial for their overall education. Engaging in sports will help them stay healthy, build self-confidence, and learn the importance of perseverance and cooperation.”

For the Wat Roka school, this new facility enhances our ability to offer a well-rounded education, making learning more dynamic and enjoyable. It also serves as a valuable resource for our teachers, who can now incorporate physical education into their curriculum more effectively, promoting the importance of a balanced lifestyle to their students.

Together, we are building a brighter future!

Kamboo Team Growing Grass with students
The principle also Join
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The Students Play in the Sport Field
Board Visit