ICT equipment for the Boeung Chum Primary School

Location: Boeung Chum Primary School, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province,

Date: April to June 2024

Costs: 3500

Status: Completed

On April 3rd, 2024, Kamboo Project successfully delivered 10 laptops, 10 sets of tables and chairs, and an LCD projector to Boeung Chum Primary School. This equipment ensures that students have access to essential technology for their educational advancement. Such achievements could not have been realized without your unwavering support. We are delighted to witness the joy and enthusiasm of the students as they explore the new devices, and the teachers are equally eager to integrate this technology into their curriculum. Within just a week, the teaching staff had already submitted a comprehensive schedule and curriculum plan, confirming their readiness to enhance student learning with these tools. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Bill, Sister Sophal, and The SE Asia Foundation for continually enabling us to implement impactful projects within the communities we serve.

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