About Kamboo Project
Mission Statement
Who we are
Executive Board in Switzerland and in Cambodia

Thomas Gilbert (President)
(*1971, Swiss & German), teacher and trained scientist. Head of our Finance Committee and Co-Head of our Projects & Programmes Committee. Quote:"Material aid is one gratifying aspect. The magic of giving back the smile to an elderly lady or a student an even greater good. There is nothing quite like my time spent with Kamboo Project in Cambodia."

Kim Thurnherr (Vice President/IT manager)
(*1992, Swiss), Chief Technology Officer, Head of IT and Member of Kamboo Project’s Finance Committee and Co-Head of our Marketing, Communication & Media committee. Founder of KDT-Solutions. Quote: "With drive and efficiency you can achive a lot which gives you a a great feeling."

Stephan Lienin (Executive Board)
(*1970, Swiss), Ph.D, education in natural science at ETH Zurich, co-founder of Sustainserv (2001), a consulting company in Zurich and Boston focused on sustainability. 20 years of experience in sustainability strategy, implementation, and communication. Co-heads our Marketing, Communication & Media committee and is a member of our Projects & Programmes committee.

Stefanie Steiner (Executive Board )
(*1974, German & Swiss), qualified business economist with a focus on human resources, with 25 years of professional experience in various HR roles, in vocational training since 2014. In 2019, he worked as a coach for the Geberit social project in Cambodia for two weeks. Quote: "I immediately fell in love with this fascinating country with its rich culture and history and the friendly, open-minded people. Helping to make their everyday lives a little easier fills me with great joy."

Stefan Pfister (Executive Board )
(*1968, Swiss), pastor of the Evangelical Methodist Church Langenthal (since August 2023), regularly travelled to Cambodia for 10 years on behalf of the church. Actively involved in the project management of Kamboo-Project.
Team Cambodia

Somalita Keo (Country Manager)
(*1987, Cambodian). MBA, Country Manager of Kamboo Project in Cambodia. Somalita has a proven background in financial management, with ten years on-the-ground experience of the Cambodian NGO sector.

Somnang Pin (Fundraising Officer)
(*2000, Cambodia). Somnang earned her bachelor degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. She joined Kamboo Project as an intern in 2019 and became permanent staff in 2021 as a Public Relations Manager. Since August 2022 she took on responsibility as a Fundraising Officer.
Laoh Loeur (Project Officer)
(*1998, Cambodian). Bachelor degree in TESO (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia PUCSR. Laoh joined Kamboo Project as Junior Project Officer in February 2022.
Sreyphat Loun (Accountant)
(*1999, Cambodian). SreyPhat earned her bachelor degree in November 2021. Her subject is Tourism and Hospitality Management. She began an internship at Kamboo Project in April 2022 and became accounting assistant in May 2022. "I pledge to work tirelessly to help the struggling communities", SreyPhat says.
Kin Kuoy (Junior Officer)
Kimlong Hout (Project Officer)
(*2000, Cambodian). Kimlong earned his bachelor degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Before joining Kamboo Project, he worked as an intern with an NGO in Siem Reap, KamPuchea Action, to promote their educational programmes. In late 2021, he joined Kamboo Project as Junior Project Officer and subsequently became Junior Public Relation Officer in January 2022. His responsibilities are building positive relationships with stakeholders, media and the public and also assisting the country manager and the project team.

Sreyvorn Savich (Junior Officer)
Phary Dung (Project Officer)
(*2003, Cambodian). "I graduated from high school in 2020, and now I am studying at Build Bright University (Information Technology) in year one. Working at Kamboo Project Organization since 01 February 2022, I want to try my best on providing daily support for my people."