Construction of a new school: Phum Pheak 4 Primary School

Location: Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province

Date: March 2022 till November 2022

Costs: $10,000 (Our share of total funding of $50,000)

Status: Completed


Since Kamboo Project is an NGO focused on education, we want to show that we care and uphold our vision. We want to prevent the closure of the two schools shown, which will affect about 400 learners who are currently facing the challenge of continuing their education. Students currently receive instruction in a temporary space – namely, under the school’s parking lot cover. We also want to ensure that these village schools remain in operation, as otherwise children would have to travel long distances to attend a school in another village.

By providing new school buildings, we hope to inspire children to attend school regularly in a safe, appropriate, and beautiful school environment, rather than going to migrant jobs with their parents. Learners who must learn in unsafe and dilapidated buildings do not want to attend school. Their parents also do not want to expose their children to danger.

The quality of instruction is improved in safe and appropriate buildings because teachers can focus on their task of teaching rather than worrying about the safety of their learners and their personal safety. The quality of learning for the children is also improved, as the new buildings are both safe and comfortable, protected from heat, dust and rain. They no longer have to interrupt classes to avoid rain and flooding during the rainy season or endure the extreme summer heat.

We want to realize our vision of contributing to the improvement of children’s education throughout Cambodia.

Many thanks to Childs Dream and Traumfänger Stiftung for the joint implementation or joint funding to successfully realize this project.