School uniforms – effective and ideal support from philanthropes ‘stopping by’

Location: Bakong Area

Date: 01.11.2016 - 02.11.2016

Costs: 36 $

Status: Completed

In 2016 Kamboo Project welcomed several private donors from Switzerland in Siem Reap. Themselves not blessed with a big budget but with a great determination to support the rural population, they asked for meaningful donations dedicated to the educational sector. Wearing school uniforms is compulsory in Cambodia, and it is hard to believe that the access to a primary school sometimes fails due to non-compliant ‘equipment’. Although a uniform costs ‘only’ 6 USD, however, parents usually require a pair of them per child and with families in the countryside with> 3 children this constitutes a financially demanding burden. Amongst numerous cases facilitated by Kamboo Project, we show a brother and sister (5 and 6 years, old, respectively) couple as well as a twelve-year-old girl who were taken care of by visiting donors. In the latter case, a seven-year-old Swiss girl from Singapore voluntarily smashed her piggyback for her ‘class peer’ in Cambodia – and was able to proudly present to her classmates at the ‘Canadian International School’ of Singapore. Happy and sustainably positively influenced children and parents all around !