Workshops: Well-being of female students

Location: Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap Province

Date: March 2024

Costs: USD 1,300

Status: Completed

Through collaboration with NGO networks, we secured funding to support a two-round workshop at a primary school focused on the topic of female health and well-being.  Providing workshops or sharing session to the young female students on health education is the first step to reduce the absenteeism at the school. This topic remains crucial for all young girls to prevent illness. This workshop will give more education to young female students to have more comfortable feeling during their menses, it will encourage them to attend the class during that girl day to not miss the important lesson. The lesson covered: meaning of period, period cycle, beginning and end of period, period tracking, sign of period, physical changes the problem of period cycle, how to relieve pain, eliminate abnormalities of period, discussion with doctor, changing pads. We also selected the best educated video talking about Girl Day and play for them to watch because it might be more interested than talk.

Thank you very much for the support of SE Asia Foundation and the children’s goods exchange of the Catholic parish of Davos. Without support from organisations such as yourselves, we would not be able to provide the community empowerment program we run. Your support will make a huge difference.

Greatly Appreciated.

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