Insight Cambodia – Students for students!

Video Student Visit    Insight Cambodia is a student-led initiative that promotes education and nutrition for children and youth in Cambodia. Founded in 2015, this non-profit organization is associated with the Master’s program in Strategy and International Management at the University of St.Gallen (Switzerland) and is managed annually by each new cohort of students in this program. In the fall of 2023, a team of seven…Anushka Jain, Charlotte Schneider, Claas Braun, Niklas Möller, Ri Hai, Romina Talebi Haghighi, and Sung-Min Chang…took over and right away established a new partnership with Kamboo Project.

“It was essential for us at Insight Cambodia to establish a new long-term partnership with an organization that shares our purpose and focuses on the same geographical region. With its Board of Directors based in Switzerland and a project team on site in Siem Reap Kamboo Project ideally combines donations and and volunteering work, so Cambodian children can learn in a safe environment – all the things that Insight is caring about and looking for! A lean organization structure and a high level of transparency ensure that donations reach where they are needed most. Their commitment to supporting children’s education in rural areas of Cambodia aligns well with our vision, and after experiencing their impactful work in both Switzerland and Cambodia, we knew we had found the perfect partner organization”, say Romina and Claas, two of the students who just visited us.

Together with Kamboo Project, Insight Cambodia discussed possible areas where they can help most effectively. It was particularly important for her team to achieve an immediate impact while also creating a long-term perspective. The students therefore decided to support two initiatives: the creation of school gardens and the establishment of a performance-based scholarship program. By teaching practical skills such as growing vegetables and fruits, families can see the direct benefit of school in their children’s education, helping to reduce dropout rates. Through systematic data collection and web scraper analysis, Insight Cambodia also conducted research into the qualification requirements for applicants in the Cambodian labor market. The next step now is to leverage these insights by passing on these specific skills to the fellows, which will significantly increase the likelihood of them getting their dream jobs.

While the Insight Cambodia Student Council provided support primarily from Switzerland, it also worked locally with communities in Siem Reap. To make this possible, four team members traveled – Charlotte Schneider, Claas Braun, Romina Talebi Haghighi and Sung-Min Chang – to Cambodia to help and connect with school children, their parents and other locals. During their stay from June 6 to June 12, 2024, the four students immersed themselves in the local culture and maintained a much closer partnership with the entire Kamboo Project team. This eye-opening experience, according to student feedback, deepened their understanding of the needs of local communities. Now that their time at Insight Cambodia has come to an end, a new generation of students will continue the initiative’s legacy. Insight Cambodia is confident that they have laid a strong foundation for future work with Kamboo Project. As part of our ongoing commitment, the outgoing group of students will ensure a smooth transition to the next generation.

“We firmly believe that Insight Cambodia and Kamboo Project together will bring about sustainable social change in the communities of Siem Reap,” say Charlotte and Sung-Min.

An all-round great commitment for students at the University of St Gallen – with great benefits for “our” kids in Prasat Bakong! Thank you Insight Cambodia.